The Agrimaster Full Budget includes a set of 8 sheep worksheets. The parent worksheet, Stock Reconciliation, feeds numbers about the actual numbers of sheep by age into the detail worksheets.
The detail worksheets are used to look at projected income and costs over the year (or any selected period of time). The budget detail worksheets help a business plan for seasonal financial activities.
Sheep Budget Group
1. Stock Reconciliation |
A summary of the year and an overview for the count, ages and changes in your annual stock numbers. Includes calculations for natural increases (estimated births), losses, ageing, sales and purchases. The Stock Reconciliation data feeds into the sheep detail worksheets. |
2. Purchases |
A detailed worksheet with starting numbers from the · Buy Number in the Stock Reconciliation Add detail for 1 or more purchases of additional stock over a single or multiple months. |
3. Sales |
A detailed worksheet with starting numbers from the estimated · Sell Number in the Stock Reconciliation Forecast 1 or more sales over different months and enter your estimated return per head. |
4. Wool Sales |
A detailed worksheet with starting numbers from the · Shearing Number in the Stock Reconciliation Estimate the income returned per kilogram by age and type of sheep and the planned month of sheering |
5. Crutching |
A detailed worksheet with starting numbers from the · Shearing Number in the Stock Reconciliation Estimate the cost per head by the age of the sheep and forecast the month that the cost will be incurred |
6. Variable Costs |
A detailed worksheet built from your projected costs over months · Pull items from a saved Costs Lists Examples of variable cost items are feed, eartags, fertiliser, commissions or transport |
7. Stock Valuation |
A detailed worksheet built from · Opening Numbers and Closing Numbers in the Stock Reconciliation Used to project the potential value of all stock at the end of the selected period of time |
8. Stocking Rate |
An optional report for benchmarking your farm’s DSE (Dry Sheep Equivalent) per Ha. Uses the · Winter Numbers from the Stock Reconciliation Enter a DSE ratio based on your estimated performance or industry standards |