Look into your monthly and seasonal fuel expenses. Track the amounts of specific types of fuel or petrol products you will need. Agrimaster automatically updates the total cost for all types of fuel.
Enter into this worksheet your expected fuel (unleaded & diesel), oil & grease costs for the budget period. It may be necessary to enter diesel, for example, into several lines for different types of usage patterns throughout the year.
1. Type |
Enter a name that describes the type of fuel or petrol product |
2. Number Units |
Enter the estimated total amount to be used in a year |
3. Cost Per Unit |
Enter the expected cost per unit |
4. Unit |
Entre the measure of the units, such as litre |
5. Total Cost |
Agrimaster calculates the total cost by multiplying |
6. Month F5 Diesel Fuel |
Press F5 and choose · If the fuel is purchased in specific months or monthly · The month(s) of the payment · The Cost Code and Bank Account |
F5 Enter Specific Months
1. Click in the Month F5 box after Total Cost
2. Press F5 and select the following:
· Distribute – select Any 1, 2, 3 or 4 months
· First Month – click on 2 or more months (click again to deselect a month)
· Select Code – choose the Fuel expense code
· Select Bank – choose the Bank Account used to pay for the fuel or petrol product
3. Click on the green tick to OK the selection
4. After all data has been entered, click on the green tick again to save the Worksheets
- When budgeting for Fixed Costs it is helpful to have a printout of your actuals to determine past spending patterns. This can be done by importing your cashbook into a budget or, for a more precise picture, use the 'Year in Year out Budget.'
- To calculate your Fuel Rebate, you need to activate the Fuel Rebate setup and enter your diesel on a separate line to other fuels.