
Hire Purchase / Chattel Loans Worksheets

Track the payment amounts and dates for new and existing loans on vehicles and equipment. Plan for the annual or monthly cost of making a loan payment.

 The hire purchase and chattel loan details entered here will show in your Statement of Position and help you gauge your cash flow throughout the year. 


1.    Item


Type the name of the equipment or item such as Ute or Header

2.    New Loan


New loan: Type the total dollar amount of the loan 

Existing loan: If payments have been started in a previous season for this item, leave this box blank


First Month of New Loan 


3.    Month F5


New loan: Press F5 and pick 

·  Any 1,2,3 or 4 months
·  Month of the first loan payment
·   Agrimaster Cash Book Code (for tracking costs)
·  Bank account the money will be deducted from

Click on the green tick to OK 

Existing loan: Leave this box blank

4.    Company


Type the name of the bank or financial institution loaning
the money

5.    New Item Deposit


New loan: Type the amount of the deposit including any GST 

Existing loan: Leave this box blank


New Loan Deposit 

6.    Month F5


New loan: Press F5 and pick: 

  • Any 1,2,3 or 4 months
  • Month the deposit is paid
  • Agrimaster Cash Book Code (for tracking costs)
  • Bank account the payment is made from

Click on the green tick to OK 

Existing Loan: Leave blank

7.    Date Started


Type the 4-digit year the loan started (existing or new loans)

8.    Last Payment Due


Type the 4-digit year the loan will be paid off

9.    Last Payment Amount $


Type the dollar amount of the final payment including GST

10.  Periodic Payment Amount $


Type the dollar amount of the recurring payments including GST

(Optional, press F3 to open the calculator)

11.  Number of Payments For Year


Type the number of payments to be made in a year

12.  Total Payments For Year


Agrimaster will calculate the total dollar amount of the payments for the year by multiplying the Periodic Payment Amount $ x Number of Payments for Year

Existing loan shown in first row. New loan shown in second row.

Loan Payment Frequency

13.  Month F5


Press F5 (New and Existing loans) to pick the frequency of the payment and the account the payments are made from: 

  • Monthly for monthly recurring payments, Yearly if only one payment is made each year (shown)
  • First month this year that the payments start
  • Agrimaster Cash Book Code (for tracking costs)
  • Bank account the payment will be deducted from

Click on the green tick to OK

14.  Number Payments Remaining


Type the number of payments remaining this year

15.  Opening Balance $


Type the amount due on the loan at the beginning of the year

16.  Closing Balance $


Type the amount due after subtracting the payments made during the year

  After all data is entered, click on the green tick to save the Worksheets

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