
Set Up remaining Crop Worksheets

Agrimaster makes tracking budget and actual Cashbook information faster by connecting related data together. 

The data from the Production Worksheet will be used to setup the detail budget worksheets in this Crop Worksheet Group. Before you can set up the remaining worksheets, you need to enter a summary of your crop plans for this season into the Production Sheet.

 The Grain Loan Option is left blank in this example. The steps here will not include the Grain Income Calculator (GIC). See the GIC section to set up the Grain Income and Income Cash Flow Worksheets. 

In the example below, we will use the All Sales: Mult Worksheet Group, because it shows how to set up the widest range of worksheets 

Verifying the data in the Production Worksheet is thorough and complete. 


Set up Cost Detail Worksheets – Seed, Fertiliser, Chemicals 

1.    Go to the top-right side of your worksheet and click on Seed 


2.    At the AutoLinks message, click Yes

3.    In Select Crops to Link, click on the crops you want to link. To select more than 1 crop, hold down the Ctrl key on your keyboard and then click on the required crops.

4.    Click on the green tick  

5.    Click on the green tick to save the worksheets

6.    Click on Fertiliser and repeat steps 2-5

7.    Click on Chemicals and repeat steps 2-5


Set up Operations Detail Worksheet 

1.    Click on Operations

2.    At the AutoLinks message, click Yes

3.    In Select Crops to Link, click on 1 or more of the crops. To select more than 1 crop, hold down the Ctrl key on your keyboard and then click on the required crops.

4.    In Enter number of Operation lines to create, click on AREA and PRODUCTION

5.    Click OK

You are now ready to enter the details into the Worksheets

In this example, your next step would be to click Seed and follow the steps in the Seed Worksheet 

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