
Set up New Sheep Worksheet Group

An Agrimaster Stock Worksheet Group ensures you forecast the typical costs and income from your stock. Track your stock by class using categories and subtotals that are the most useful to your business.

1.     Go to Budget 

2.    Click on Full Budget  

3.    Click on Worksheets 

4.    Click on Standard Setup

5.    Type a Name (recommended, the year for the season and the Enterprise Type “Sheep”)

·         In Enterprise Type - choose STOCK

·         In Select Worksheet Group – choose SHEEP

·         In Select First Month – choose the first month and year of your Sheep season

6.    Click on the green tick to save the setup

7.    Click on the X to close the window

8.    Click on Open

9.    At the Open Worksheets box, click on the new Worksheet Group created in the previous steps 


Enter data starting with the steps in the Stock Reconciliation instructions

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