
Sheep Variable Costs Worksheets

The Variable Costs Worksheets are used for tracking costs across your whole operation regardless of the number of head. For example, track a one-off application of fertiliser to the paddock, or calculate your total dog costs for the whole season.


1.    Item F5


Press F5 and pick an item off of your Cost List

2.    Quantity F5


Option 1:
Press F5 to link to a number in another worksheet (the box changes to yellow when a number is linked or calculated)

Option 2:
Type a number (the box remains gray for typed numbers)

3.    Unit


Agrimaster copies the type of unit for this Item from the Cost List. For example Tonnes of Super Phos

4.    Cost Per Unit


Agrimaster copies the dollar amount per unit from the Cost List

5.    Total Cost


Agrimaster calculates the total cost for this Item by multiplying the Quantity F5 x Cost Per Unit

6.    Month F5


Press F5 and select the Month, Expense Code and Bank Account

7.    Remark


Optional, type a short note about this item


Enter the remaining data into the Worksheet

·         Refer to Variable Costs Data Sources and Usage with examples

·         Enter gross costs including GST, all commissions, levies, yardage and fees 

 After all data has been entered, click on the green tick to save the Worksheets  

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