
Add GST Free or Mixed GST Transactions

This article is for users who want to override the default GST settings.

The Agrimaster Cashbook automatically calculates GST. You may occasionally receive invoices where you need to override the default GST settings.

  • Supplier Not Registered for GST
  • Item Is Always GST Free
  • Item Is GST Free But GST Is Calculated
  • Item Cannot Be Claimed for GST Offset

Supplier Not Registered for GST

Some suppliers with an ABN do not meet the ATO requirements to charge GST. You may see ‘GST GNR’ or ‘GST Not Registered’ noted on the supplier’s invoice.

  1.  Click on the Add New  icon to open the Enter Cashbook Transactions window.
  2. Set Format to Supplier not registered for GST.
  3. Enter the remaining payment details as usual.

Item Is Always GST Free

Items such as interest on a credit account and some levies may not have GST. The Cashbook has Codes that will not add the GST to the item in that row.

  1.  Click on Add New icon to open the Enter Cashbook Transactions window. 
  2. Set Format to POST GST transaction.
  3. In Code, match the item that ends in ‘No GST’.
    See Setup GST Codes for more information.
  4. Enter the rest of the payment as usual.
  5. The Agrimaster Cashbook will not calculate GST on the item.

Item Is GST Free But GST Is Being Calculated

Only use this option when a ‘GST Free’ Code should not be added to the system. Some invoices have a mix of GST and GST free items, or there is no default ‘No GST’ Code in Cashbook. Manually override the GST when entering the Amount in that row. 

  1.  Click on Add New icon  to open the Enter Cashbook Transactions window.
  2. Set Format to POST GST transaction.
  3. Choose the appropriate Code (even if GST is added).
  4. In Amount, type the amount and highlight the number.
  5. Look above the Amount and click on (=) Default Category.

    (=) Select category appears allowing you to override the GST calculation for this item.

  6. Choose GST Free.

  7. Press the Tab key.
  8. Finish entering additional rows (splits) and Save the transaction.

Item Cannot Be Claimed for GST Offset

Your business cannot use the GST for some types of purchases as GST credit for the business. For example, personal purchases (referred to as ‘drawings’) for groceries or department store purchases for personal use cannot be used in the GST offset calculation.

Ask your accountant for advice when you are unsure if the GST in a purchase can be included in your business GST offset. In this example, we show how to record a mix of business and personal purchases using the Code.

  1. Start a new transaction.
  2. When entering the detail for a personal item in a row (a split), choose a Code that is setup for No GST Claim.

    In this example, we use a personal purchase and use the corresponding Code of Drawings.

  3. Press the Tab key to move through the detail.
  4. Type the Description and the Amount including GST.
  5. Press the Enter key and note the row (the split) shows.

  6. Continue entering additional items (splits). When done, click on the green tick to save. 
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