You can record GST free levies or duties in the same transaction. If you do not have GST free Codes as an option, click here to set up the Codes.
- Click into the next blank row (split) if you are not already in a blank row.
- In Code, go to the appropriate Expenses group and choose the Levies
or Levies-No GST.- Your Levies may have a slightly different Code description than the example here because the Code descriptions can be customised for each business.
- Your Levies may have a slightly different Code description than the example here because the Code descriptions can be customised for each business.
- Look for duties or levies that are GST free items.
- Click into the Amount field and press F3 to start the calculator.
- After the calculator window opens:
- Type the amount of Duty.
- Click the + (plus).
- Type the amount of Levy.
- Click the = (equal).
- Click on EX to transfer the total into the Amount.
- Press the Enter key.
- Review the totals in the Cashbook and match the numbers to the tax invoice.
- Click on the green tick to save and click on X to close.