Crop (Limited Inputs) |
- Production, income and inputs based on hectares sown to each crop type entered. eg, Wheat, hay or varieties.
- Flexible income sheet for AWB loan cashflow only.
- Limited 3 purchases per input per crop type.
- Summary of all input costs.
- Gross Margins for each crop type.
- Margins per Hectare for each crop type.
Crop (Unlimited Inputs) |
- Production, income and inputs based on hectares sown to each crop type entered. eg, Wheat, hay or varieties.
- Flexible income sheet for AWB loan cashflow only.
- Limited 3 purchases per input per crop type.
- Summary of all input costs.
- Gross Margins for each crop type.
- Margins per Hectare for each crop type.
Crop (Separate Multiple) |
- Production, income and inputs based on hectares sown to each crop type entered. eg, Wheat, hay or varieties.
- Flexible income sheet for AWB loan cashflow only.
- Limited 3 purchases per input per crop type.
- Seed, fertiliser, chemical &
operations on separate sheets.
- Summary of all input costs.
- Gross Margins for each crop type.
- Margins per Hectare for each crop type.
Crop (Past Pools: inc AWB) |
- Budget past crop pools.
- AWB Loan past pools calculation, income and cashflow. No costs
Crop AWB Loan (inc Past Pools) |
- Budget for all Wheat Production going to the loan option.
- Budget for all loan cashflows and income for the budgeted season.
- Budget for Past Wheat loan pools.
- Unlimited inputs.
- Summary of all input costs.
- Gross Margins for wheat.
- Margins per Hectare for wheat.
Crop AWB Loan (No Past Pools) |
- Budget for all Wheat Production going to the loan option.
- Budget for all loan cashflows and income for the budgeted season.
- Unlimited inputs.
- Summary of all input costs.
- Gross Margins for wheat.
- Margins per Hectare for wheat.
Crop Neg (All Sales: Multi Input) |
- Production, income and inputs based on hectares sown to each crop type entered. eg, Wheat, hay or varieties.
- Budget for all AWB Wheat loan cashflows and income for the budgeted season.
- Unlimited inputs for all crop types.
- Summary of all input costs.
- Gross Margins for wheat.
- Margins per Hectare for crop type.
Paddock (Limited Inputs) |
- Production, income and inputs based on hectares sown to each crop type entered. eg, Wheat, hay or varieties.
- Limited 3 purchases per input per crop type.
- Summary of all input costs.
- Gross Margins for each paddock.
- Margins per Hectare for each paddock.
Paddock (Unlimited Inputs) |
- Production, income and inputs based on hectares sown to each crop type entered. eg, Wheat, hay or varieties.
- Unlimited inputs per crop type.
- Seed, fertiliser, chemical & operations on separate sheets.
- Summary of all input costs.
- Gross Margins for each paddock.
- Margins per Hectare for each paddock.
Paddock (All Sales: Mult Input) |
- Production, income and inputs based on hectares sown to each crop type entered. eg, Wheat, hay or varieties.
- Budget for all AWB Wheat
loan cashflows and income for the budgeted season.
- Unlimited inputs for all crop
- Summary of all input costs.
- Gross Margins for each paddock.
- Margins per Hectare for each paddock.
Share Crop Paddocks |
- Budget for share cropped paddock.
- Production, income and inputs based on hectares sown to each crop type entered. eg, Wheat, hay or varieties.
- Flexible income sheet for AWB loan cashflow only.
- Unlimited inputs per crop type.
- Seed, fertiliser, chemical & operations on separate sheets.
- Summary of all input costs.
- Gross Margins for each paddock.
- Margins per Hectare for each paddock.