
Enter Money Received For RCTI

There are times your business receives money, but you have not issued an invoice. Most of the time you have delivered goods to a stockbroker or grain cooperative. The co-op or broker issues themselves a tax invoice (RCTI) and pay the money directly to your bank account and send you a copy of the tax invoice.

  1. Have a copy of the tax invoice that the co-op or broker issued to themselves available.
  2. Click the Home Page.
  3. Click on Cashbook.
  4. Click on Transactions.
  5. Click Add New to go to the Enter Cashbook Transaction window.
  6. In Format, choose POST GST transaction.
  7. In Bank Account, choose the account where the money was received.
  8. Optional, enter a receipt number or bank tracking number in Reference.
  9. Enter the payment that was deposited into your bank account.
  10. Enter the co-op’s or broker’s name. 
  11. In Code, find a matching Income Code.
  12. Recommended: Enter the branch of your business into the Enterpriseif it is not automatically entered (in this example we show Cattle).


  13. Enter the Quantity, Description and Amount including GST.

  14. Press the Enter key and the details will show up in the first row (split 1).
    Notice that Cashbook calculates the GST.

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