There are times your business receives money, but you have not issued an invoice. Most of the time you have delivered goods to a stockbroker or grain cooperative. The co-op or broker issues themselves a tax invoice (RCTI) and pay the money directly to your bank account and send you a copy of the tax invoice.
- Have a copy of the tax invoice that the co-op or broker issued to themselves available.
- Click the Home Page.
- Click on Cashbook.
- Click on Transactions.
- Click Add New to go to the Enter Cashbook Transaction window.
- In Format, choose POST GST transaction.
- In Bank Account, choose the account where the money was received.
- Optional, enter a receipt number or bank tracking number in Reference.
- Enter the payment that was deposited into your bank account.
- Enter the co-op’s or broker’s name.
- In Code, find a matching Income Code.
- Recommended: Enter the branch of your business into the Enterprise, if it is not automatically entered (in this example we show Cattle).
Enter the Quantity, Description and Amount including GST.
- Press the Enter key and the details will show up in the first row (split 1).
Notice that Cashbook calculates the GST.