
Enter Wages Payments

No matter what payroll program you use, if importing or manually entering transactions or EFT payroll payments into Agrimaster, they must be entered in a particular format. 

When entering payroll payment, ensure the wages gross and wages tax deducted amounts entered are reconciled to your payroll program reports.  This is how the data is reported on the W1 and W2 sections of the Wages Tax (PAYG) and BAS reports in Agrimaster and paid to the ATO.

Prior to entering your very first payroll payment, you need to setup the wages tax deducted area in  Agrimaster.  This is a once-off action unless you change your PAYG reporting period to the ATO (i.e quarterly to monthly) or setup a new file. Click here to setup wages tax in Agrimaster. 

To Manually Add A Payroll Entry:

  1. Click on Home. 
  2.  Click on Cashbook.
  3. Click on Transactions.
  4. Click on the Add New icon to open the Enter Cashbook Transactions window.
  5. Select Wages and Tax Deduction from the Format drop-down list.

  6. Enter the payment details.
    • Bank Account: Choose the bank account that the staff member is paid from.
    • Reference: Optional information such as cheque number or BPay.
    • Date: Enter the date that the wages were paid (the date the funds left your bank account.) 
    • Name: Name of the person receiving the payment of the wages.
  7. The Cashbook automatically generates 2 rows (referred to as splits) for wages and wages tax – do not change the default Codes or Allocations.

  8. Press the Tab key, hit the Enter key or click with the mouse into the Enterprise field.  Choose an Enterprise if this employee’s work is for a specific part of your business, such as cattle, sheep, cropping.
  9. Use the Enterprise to measure the profit or loss by revenue centre, such as comparing the costs of labour between cattle and sheep.
  10. Do not change the Allocation, this is how the data is reported on the W1 section of the Wages Tax (PAYG) and BAS reports in Agrimaster and paid to the ATO.
  11. Click into Amount field and enter the gross amount owed to the employee.
  12. Press the Enter key or click in row 2 (split 2).  Add an Enterprises as required.
  13. Do not change the Code or Allocationthis is how the data is reported on the W2 section of the Wages Tax (PAYG) and BAS reports in Agrimaster and paid to the ATO.
  14. In Amount, enter the wages tax amount to be deducted from the employees' payroll amount.  Due to wage tax format, the cashbook will automatically convert the tax deducted amount to a negative number.
  15. Click on the green tick to save and click on the black cross to close. 

Tool Tip:

  1. Whilst in the Amount box, press the F3 key to access a calculator.
  2. Click on EX when done to move the total into the Amount. 
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