
Creating An Enterprise Worksheet

To setup Enterprise Worksheet:

  1. Click on Worksheet. 
  2. Click Standard Setup.
  3. Enter the Name of the Worksheet Group (e.g. Sheep March 19 - Feb 20). 
  4. Enter the Enterprise Type (e.g. Stock).
  5. Select the Worksheet Group (e.g. Sheep).
  6. Select First Month (e.g. March 2019).
  7. Click green tick or press F10 to save. 
  8. Refer to the example below on how to create a Standard Worksheet: 
  9. Using the same method as above and whilst in the setup area, create all worksheets that will be required for your budget e.g. Crop, Cattle, Fixed Costs etc. 
    • Name: Crop Mar 19 - Feb 20.
      Enterprise Type: Crop.
      Worksheet Group: Crop - All Sales: Multi: GIC. 
      First Month: March 2019.
    • Name: Fixed Costs Mar 19 - Feb 20.
      Enterprise Type: Fixed Costs.
      Worksheet Group: Fixed Costs.
      First Month: March 2019.

The custom setup allows you to design your own worksheet group. It is recommended that you only use this function if your consultant uses a specific set of worksheets.

To see more standard worksheet groups than those listed, uncheck the Show Standard Groups Only box.

If you do not have a wheat loan or use the Grain Income Calculator, you can still select these worksheet groups and omit that GIC or wheat loan information or you can use Custom Setup to remove the two Grain Income sheet worksheets not required. 

Entering Worksheet Group Data 

All projected receipts and payments must be entered into the worksheets excluding GST, Agrimaster will then calculate the GST for you.

The key to accurate worksheets is to fully complete each page before progressing onto the next. This ensures all information is included.

It is worth the effort to setup worksheets correctly for the first time. In future years, all budgets and worksheets can be copied and altered where required.

To open your first worksheet, start from the Home Page: 

  1. Click on Budget.
  2. Click on Full Budget.
  3. Click on Worksheets.
  4. Click on Open.
  5. Select required worksheet from the list. 

Please Note:

  • When entering data into worksheets, ensure doubling up of data does not occur. (e.g. if you record your Stock Valuations in the Sheep/Cattle worksheets, don't enter this data in the Assets & Liabilities worksheets as well. 
  • Ensure you click the green tick or press F10 to save every 5-minutes or data may be lost. 
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