An Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) transaction is used when you wish to pay bills to another company using their BSB and account number via your bank.
Once your Internet Banking setup is complete, you can now enter EFT transactions into Agrimaster to go into your Internet Banking website.
Watch the video tutorial below, or follow along step by step below:
- At the Home Page, click Cashbook.
- Click EFT, Acc/Pay, Cheques.
- Click Add New.
- The Enter Cheques to print, EFT to send, Accounts Payable screen will display. Select the Transaction Type; either EFT payment or EFT Cash Transfer.
- Format: The selected format will default to POST GST transaction. Select another format if this is not the correct one.
- FROM Bank A/c: Select the bank account you will be using to pay from by using the drop-down arrows or by typing the first few letters of the bank account name.
- Pay/Send to: Enter the payee’s name.
- Last Date for Payment: Enter the date the payment is to be paid.
- Message (EFT Max.18): Enter a description to reference the transaction. The description will default to your company name, however, this can be deleted and amended.
- In the highlighted area below:
- Code, Enterprise, Allocation and Description: Complete by selecting from the drop-down lists. To progress through each of these fields, press the Enter key on your keyboard.
- Amount: Ensure the Include/Exclude GST setting is correct for each split (check your Tax Invoice). If the GST category is No Claim, the amount is always entered with GST included. The other categories have no GST.
- Ensure the GST portions, which are calculated on your Tax Invoice, are the same as the totals on the Agrimaster Cheques/EFT screen
- Click the green tick or press F10 to save the data
- Repeat the above format for any additional cashbook entries