To save time on reconciliation, you can download your bank statement details from your Internet Banking and
import it into Agrimaster. When you import your statement, Agrimaster will compare your bank statement details
to the transactions entered for the current reconciliation month and fill in any missing transactions.
You will need to set up internet banking in Agrimaster prior to downloading your transaction history.
To export your transaction details from your bank into your cashbook for automatic reconciliation, you will need
to export your bank file from your bank to your PC as follows:
- Log in to your bank’s website, locate the Transaction History Export area (the exact name of this section will
depend on your bank). This function requires a transaction file with a CSV type of format not a statement PDF format. - Locate the option to search and/or export your data. Select the date range you want to download.
- You may be able to choose different download format types – select Agrimaster if available. If your bank does not offer an Agrimaster option, please select the CSV (Comma Separated Values) option. If your bank does not offer either of these options, please contact Agrimaster Support for assistance.
- You may be asked to export (or save) the data to your computer. A window may appear - choose Save This File To Disk then click Ok.
- The export/save options depend on your web browser and settings. We recommend using Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. If you require assistance in downloading your transactions, please check your bank’s website. Most banks provide an interactive demonstration showing how to download the data.
- The Save As window will open. Click on This PC > Local Disk (C:) > Users > Public > Agrimaster > Netbank.
- You may enter a file name for the file. This filename should be the same as in the setup of Agrimaster/Bank Accounts.
- In the Save as Type box, select All Files. If this option is not available, select CSV (comma delimited).
- Click Save.
- If asked ‘File already exists. Do you want to replace it?’ Click Yes.
- The file will now start to download.
- Click the Close button when the download is complete.
- Your bank transaction file is now ready to import into Agrimaster.
- On subsequent exports, you may find that the export/save options have changed. This is simply your browser history, and it depends on your web browser and settings. We recommend using Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox, which will mostly retain the download path but not permanently.
Next: Import your transaction history into Agrimaster