
Setup Bank Accounts in Wagemaster

You can watch our video tutorial below:

This article is for users wanting to set up bank accounts in Wagemaster.

This video covers:

  • Creating a new bank account
  • How bank accounts are linked to employee records

To pay wages by Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) via internet banking, the employee’s bank needs to be set up and linked to the employee. Below are instructions to set up a bank.

To set up a bank record:

  1. Click Setup > Banks.


  2. Wagemaster will display a list of commonly used banks.


  3. If your bank is on the list, double-click it to open the Edit Bank Details screen.

    • General tab: Edit detail as required.
    • All other tabs: Leave as-is.

  4. If your bank is not on the list, click Add, otherwise skip to Step 5.

    • General tab: Enter banking details.
    • All other tabs: Leave as-is.

  5. Click Close to save the record.
  6. Click Close again to complete the setup.
  7. You will be returned to the Home page.

Note: At a later point, when the Employees are added, click on the Employee tab to view the employees and ensure their banking details link to the bank records. 

Next Step: Setup Emailing Payslips from Wagemaster 


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